Remote Tracer Sales and Service

Do you want to increase your turn time from your lab on EVERY order? Remote tracing may be the solution. Even if you have a finishing lab or full surfacing laboratory, having an in office remote tracer can increase your job quality and turn around time.

Benefits of Remote Tracing

We have all run into an issue of a lab waiting on a frame before they will start a job, or lenses not cutting out even though you send in the box measurements. Those issues can be solved by utilizing a remote tracer. The process is very simple and takes only a minute or so as you can see from the training videos below.

Laboratory Partnership

The best part of the whole process is most laboratories will purchase the tracer for you! We recommend tracing every job you send to your laboratory so that you can:

  • Recall a lens shape when needed
  • Increase the quality of jobs
  • Save your customers time

Our Remote Tracing Equipment

We utilize OMA compliant 4T tracers or 4Ti tracers for most customers. These units have been completely refurbished, calibrated, and each and every part is working like new.

Our tracers come with:

  • Owner’s manual
  • Training videos
  • VisionWeb remote install software
  • All calibration tools

Most of our customers utilize VisionWeb for remote orders, but the tracers are OMA compatible and will work with any remote software.